Some wake up happy. But most wake up sad these days, most days. But what happens when one wakes up sad everyday for years: say for more than 4 years in a row with dreams getting shattered every now and then, right in front of the eyes; when awake, asleep and nothing can be done even if voices around say everything can be done. You hear it all…..but your mind doesn’t because the mind wanted a deep rest. It was tired……

The fifth new year in that case probably might be in heaven. But somehow the person managed to get up on the fifth new year smiling, after a long fight and yet, again, life got jealous and hit him/her back with much more force, worse enough to totally destroy the one who once fell, to fall all over again? A reason which is enough for most to end it all in a matter of days or weeks. No hope at all. It’s over.

But what if it was a blow better enough to bring that person back into this world stronger than ever? Then, I would say- that is not common at all. That is what I call ‘true victory’.

– Anjali Krishnan

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