Peace is more than just a five letter word. It’s a luxury most of us are trying to possess. You can have a room full of money and a heart full of pain at the same time. No number of paper notes could ever give you inner peace unless you recognise what you really need. Is it money, cars, plots of land, women, or gold? The truth is none of us came on this planet to possess any of these ‘material luxuries’ at all.

Then what is it that everyone truly needs? The answer could be love, peace, care, comfort, power and so on. But they won’t fit in the long list of material items. Today let’s explore one form among the right list-Peace!

It’s There But Not There

Peace: A necessity

In our busy world with population soaring high each day and in the race to exceed others’ expectations, human beings forgot the real things for which they were born. It’s not a mistake. It’s the situation that alters life in the first place. But there comes a point when one will have to look deep inside and that’s when things start to change.

During war, the world cries for peace. But what makes them cry for it? It was already there. But somehow they couldn’t see it, embrace it, or nurture it. Peace was neglected until war arose. The bad had to happen to give value to the good. Similar is the case in the human mind as well.

Everyone of us is fighting a war inside. Surely, no one can oppose this statement. Truth is always a little hard to digest even for the wise. There won’t be a single human being on this planet who never had to fight a battle within themselves!

So why is it that we are destined to battle within ourselves? Maybe we are here to learn some lessons. The chapters can be difficult or easy at times. There will be trials and tests after each chapter. There will be different life subjects to mug up, and implement. Teachers will come and go. Some fail, some pass, while some learn the best method through practice- they learn to move on.

The Difference Between Chasing Peace and Having  Peace

Chasing peace and having peace

If peace is already within us then why is there so much of chaos? We don’t see it. That’s why. The world has fooled us with material luxuries that we forgot to see the luxury we already have. Peace is the money we pay to satisfy our greed.

We all have to leave one day. But everyone is too concerned about the destination that they forget the beauty of the journey. They buy and accumulate material things in the hope of getting some long lost peace which has the synonym satisfaction. Once they get the transient satisfaction, the cycle begins again. They keep on running after it until at some point everything turns upside down. The broken glasses that had blinded them till then starts suffocating them and they struggle to find a replacement. In the end, they give up and that’s when the answers start flowing in like a waterfall. That’s a wake up call and everyone will go through it at the time destined to happen. It’s inevitable and it can even happen maybe moments before death. Everyone and everything on Earth has a timing.

But if you are destined to wake up only moments before you leave earthly life, then the fact is you were too stubborn to look inside yourself when you were given the chance, or several chances to be more precise. Peace was already within you but you were blinded from seeing through.

Let that mistake not happen to anyone again!

Peace is already within us and when each one of us starts to look inside, there won’t be any war in real life, and so in the real world! Happy Journey!

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