Scientifically speaking, ‘power is the capacity to do work’. But from the perspective of life, what is power, really? Just take a moment to analyse. These are perspectives after all. There is truth in them for sure!

What is Power? Actually…..

The power for a baby is perhaps its ability to cry; out loud announcing arrival to the world. There is a saying that goes ‘human life begins and ends in tears’. A peaceful death might be one that happens when you are asleep and happy. But even then, you might have gone through a lot of tears to just have that tearless death. 

Once you enter childhood, power lies in picking up knowledge and making memories with your family, friends and society. As you pass on to teenage years, power is scaling up to new heights with the confusions of the past and anticipations of the future.

Moving to adulthood, you realise what power is when you try to get up after life knocks you down and you realise you are powerless.

When you somehow swim through your middle ages, you realise the power of moving on. And after your professional retirement, you realise the power of ageing, and of God. Women might encounter the power of ageing a bit harshly though!

After death, you realise that you never had any power at all! So why then?

The Power of Power

What causes addiction other than love, drugs, money and ‘smart gadgets’?

That would be power too! Take for example democracy.

You give power to the wrong one once, they will learn how to use everything wrong in the first term. Again you give them another chance, they will use the right knowledge they gained in the first term to rewrite and make that also wrong. You give them a chance again; they will teach all the wrong things to the right ones too. In any case, it’s the same people who gave the fools the third chance as well. By then, the right people themselves would have lost the mind to know what’s right and wrong! The end result: a whole new world full of fools ruled by better fools. 

Then what if you give power to the right ones in the beginning itself instead? The first time, miracles will happen along with some mistakes. The second time too, miracles do happen. But along with the miracles, the one who leads can be misled. As long as the leader is resistant to the propaganda, people are safe. But the truth is, one wrong person with high skills in manipulation can mislead even the best among the warriors. Such is the human mind. People change, very quickly and unexpectedly! You need light to see things in the dark. But isn’t the light powerless if there was no  darkness at all?

In the Mahabharata, there is a famous reply by Yudhisthira to the question, ‘What is the fastest thing in the world?’ to which he replied: ‘the human mind’. No one can disagree with that answer!

Then what’s darkness to the mind? Thoughts!

The Power of Thoughts

Darkness is not bad at all. Wouldn’t it be wrong to say that night is not good compared to the day, especially on a hot summer, or after having a tiring day at work. There are two sides to everything. Even energy! It is said that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Here, the two sides of energy is creation and destruction. Similarly, think about the existence of good and evil. All these two aspects are interdependent and inter connected. One is meaningless without the other. Even the continuation of the human race requires ‘two’ human beings- a man and a woman.

In the case of the human mind, its positive and negative thoughts. It would take an abnormal person to say that he /she is always optimistic. Even if one says so too, that’s not really true. It is in reality the power of that person to identify the difference between both and the ability to channelise them in the proper way. The true power of that person lies in the capability to convert the negative thoughts into a positive one. There are some who do the reverse of the same. That could result in a perished and polluted life! 


Power is a powerful manipulator!

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